鲁采 - 安贞门


鲁采海鲜,是蕴藏深厚的齐鲁文化、包含儒家饮馔风采的海鲜餐饮项目。走进鲁采海鲜LU STYLE餐厅,门外的喧嚣缤纷与门内幽静苏雅形成对比,入口的设计取陶渊明《桃花源记》之感——从口入,初极狭,才通人,复行十步,豁然开朗。

Lu Style seafood is a high-end seafood catering project with profound Qi Lu culture and Confucian cuisine. Entering Lu Style restaurant, there is a contrast between the noisy outside and the quiet inside. The design of the entrance takes Tao Yuanming's  poetry "The Peach Colony" —— enter the area, it’s narrow at the beginning. After several steps, it’s suddenly become bright.

鲁采整体的设计以江南景致为载体、以中国古代文人情怀为精神寄附。设计师深知传统文化对于今人的影响,将丰富的齐鲁历史文化、孔孟为代表的儒家礼仪付之于设计之中,赋予餐厅无形的文化内核。刘道华老师说:“卒姆托认为一个好的建筑及空间能吸纳人们生活的痕迹,从而呈现出特定的丰富性,更多的是是表达人们对于建筑的体验,展现一种灵魂的空间……这也是我们设计鲁采海鲜LU STYLE餐厅的理念来源。”

Lu Style is designed based on the Jiang Nan scenery and the spirit of ancient Chinese literati and poets.The designer is well aware of the influence of traditional culture on modern people. The design combines rich Qi & Lu history, Confucian culture as well, which is the invisible cultural core of the Lu Style. The designer Mr. Liu Daohua said “Zumto believes that a meaningful architect could absorbing the traces of people’s life, so as to present a specific richness, which inspired our design for Lu Style”.


We need a paradise here without depression feelings. In order to this, Lu Style left a lot of margin,to present traditional Chinese painting stereoscopically. The roof of the entrance adopted inclined structures, giving a deeper but moderate experience. Additionally, the surrounding landscape is naturally integrated into the missing scenery.Pine trees, white stones, grey ladders, and bamboo forests looming out of the window,are so-called "mountains with sky, and rain in miracle", with an invisible sense of tranquility.Lu Style, who is integrated into the cultural context, abstractly displays the concrete entity of "book" in the space. The poems engraved on the stairs, and the unique names in the private rooms, convey the profound traditional culture. Upon the staircase, the personalized “Tian Shu”ceiling was independently developed by the designer and artist, enhancing the cultural experience here.


The “bright moon” element in the Logo of Lu Style Restaurant was skillfully integrated into the design. The round ceiling is used to neutralize the disorder of the environment. The mini landscape at each end of the corridor to enlighten the corner. All these inspirations with mental color, warm lamp, wood facing and special ramie curtains woven by craftsmen in Guangxi, harmony the deep and restrained culture with feet on the ground. 

