秀儿 四九城

回味秀儿 · 重构想象

一段悠扬的琴声、一杯微醺的美酒,一桌推陈出新的甜蜜晚宴。在秀儿四九城 享受这样的一晚,不需要你付出高昂的花费,人均百元就能收获来自视觉和味觉的双重享受。

品牌创始人江武和孙依檬邀请设计师刘道华打造秀儿四九城整体用餐空间。他在可容纳30-50人的宴会厅中加入三面落地的书架配上高清LED屏幕,为各类宴请如商务宴、谢师宴、婚宴等提供另类的聚餐空间。还在餐厅一角开辟了休闲区,摆放着日本品牌stella work的桌椅,方便客人在下午茶时间近距离攀谈。

秀儿重构了传统概念打造创意新京菜 ,带着食客去探寻关于京菜的二重想象。

A melodious piano sound, a cup of slightly drunk wine, a sweet dinner of bringing forth the new through the old. To enjoy such a night in Xiuer 49 City, you don't need to pay a high cost. You can get the double enjoyment from vision and taste with 100 yuan per capita.

Brand founders Jiang Wu and sun Yimeng invited famous designer Liu Daohua to create the overall dining space of Xiuer 49 cities. In the banquet hall, which can accommodate 30-50 people, he added three landing bookshelves with high-definition LED screen to provide alternative dining space for all kinds of banquets, such as business banquets, teacher appreciation banquets and wedding banquets. In the corner of the restaurant, a leisure area is set up, with exquisite tables and chairs of Stella work, a Japanese brand, to facilitate guests to have a close talk during afternoon tea time.

Xiuer reconstructs the traditional concept, creates creative new Beijing cuisine, and takes the diners to explore the second imagination of Beijing cuisine.



这样的布局,重构大众对京菜餐厅的市井、亲民的传统印象。秀儿四九城 更像是一个自家的大型会客厅,宽阔的空间,实木的桌椅,温馨的灯光,将周末呼朋唤友的客厅挪到了户外,让每一位到来的客人感到亲近。

Xiuer Sijiu city is located on the second floor of Dongsheng building. It has no tile brick, dragon and Phoenix carving, eight immortal table, red wood high footstool and other Chinese table and chairs. Contrary to the Beijing restaurant we have seen on a regular basis, we can see a table that can hold 10 walnut banquet guests and a wine cabinet occupying one side of the wall.

The wine cabinet is equipped with brand wine from many famous wineries such as Australia, France and Italy. The restaurant has hired a wine waiter to serve.

Such a layout breaks the public's traditional impression of Beijing cuisine restaurant on the market and its relatives. Xiuer 49 city is more like a large reception hall, wide space, imported solid wood table and chair, warm lights, moving the living room of friends and friends to the outside, so that everyone who comes to feel close and comfortable.

北京一向是美食汇集之地,集各家所长,犒劳着来自八方的食客, 一道好的菜品不仅讲究鲜,更追求新意。



Beijing has always been a place for food gathering. It has gathered the leaders of various families and rewarded the diners from all over the world. A good dish is not only fresh, but also pursues new ideas.

If you say that traditional red wall brick and tile, with the street alley flavor, is your first imagination for Beijing cuisine. So in Xiuer, I will bring you a second imagination about Beijing cuisine, a different mood.

These unconventional and Western style of restaurant space design, constantly remind the arrival of diners, this brand restaurant, which is mainly Creative Beijing cuisine, has its own pride and personality. Because Xiuer 49 City, it is not a Beijing old gun that pays attention to righteousness and men, but nourishes the young people who are calm, elegant and interesting in the culture of Beijing.

