拾久 - 双井



Shi Jiu - picking up the long-term taste. For many people, their long-term taste is the memory of childhood home, where were chimneys, light leaking roofs, sunlight, leaves, silhouettes... Shi Jiu used architectural design techniques, making full use of the natural light to bring more language into the interior furnishings.When the natural light is projected on the different textures of walls, with the passing of time,it presents various effects, forming a changeable natural art gallery when you walk through. It is the artistic coordinate of industrial style and art system.

大厅为挑空架构,红砖墙面做底,围合、半围合隔断夹杂在空间中,木美家具的“鸭舌椅”,各按其位置放于餐桌之间,两色交替,空间色彩立即就丰富了许多。墙面两侧放置了艺术雕塑与艺术挂画, “美食与艺术共赏”。大厅中间有一条艳丽的爱马仕大道,昼夜随着光线的变化,潜移默化的发生着改变,亦深亦浅,散发着文艺气息,又呼应天窗外的月光与繁星。“大道”的设计让人仿若走在颁奖典礼的红毯上,充满就餐的仪式感,让每位食客记忆犹新。爱马仕大道是源自代代相传的马赛砖,色调艳丽兼稳重,质感丝滑,颗颗可做艺术品。

The hall is of empty structure with exposed red brick walls as the base. Enclosed and semi enclosed partitions are mixed in the space. The first episode “Duck Tongue Chair” of Maxmarko furniture is placed between the dining tables orderly. The color of the the space is also enriched immediately.On both sides of the wall, there are art sculptures and hanging paintings, "enjoy food and art together". There is a gorgeous Hermes Avenue in the middle of the hall. With the changes of light day and night, it is changing imperceptibly, giving off the flavor of literature, and echoing the moonlight and stars upon the sky. The "Avenue" makes people feel like walking on the red carpet of the award events, which is full of ceremony feelings.Hermes Boulevard is a mosaic brick from generation to generation. It has gorgeous and stable colors, silky texture and can be used as art works.



The crystal lights hanging there,turn the visual center to the jumped out building block. The second floor’s compartment has the shape of "a house" with red contemporary chandeliers. The walls are all different, leather carvings, antique windows and the concave holes, etc. Walk out of the building and step in the bamboo forest. With few steps, you are at the front door. There is a bar at the first floor and a catering area at the second floor, which provided a 40 people’s party space, with disclosure of pine, cypress and pebble here.





